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How Delete My Instagram Account


If you’re considering deleting your Instagram account, it’s important to understand that this action is permanent. Unlike deactivating an account, which is temporary and allows you to restore your profile later, deleting your account will permanently erase all of your photos, followers, comments, and likes. Here’s a detailed guide on how to go about this process, including key details to keep in mind.

1. Decide Between Deactivation and Deletion

Before permanently deleting your account, take a moment to ensure that this is the right decision. Instagram offers the option to temporarily disable your account if you need a break but plan to come back. Deactivation allows you to return and reactivate your profile with all your data intact.

2. Log Into Your Account

You cannot delete your Instagram account from the app. Instead, you need to use a web browser, either on your desktop or mobile device.

Open a Web Browser: Navigate to Instagram’s official website.

Log In: Enter your username and password to access your account.

3. Navigate to the Account Deletion Page

Instagram does not make the account deletion page easily accessible from the app or general settings. Here’s how to find it:

Direct Link: The quickest way to reach the deletion page is through this direct link.

Alternative Navigation: If the direct link isn't available:

Go to your profile by clicking on your profile picture.

Click on ‘Settings’ (gear icon).

Scroll to ‘Help’ and select ‘Help Center’.

Type "delete account" in the search bar and follow the link provided.

4. Choose a Reason for Deletion

Instagram will ask you why you are deleting your account. This step is required to proceed further.

Select a Reason: Use the dropdown menu and select an option that best describes why you want to delete your account.

Note: Instagram might offer solutions or alternatives based on your chosen reason.

5. Re-enter Your Password

For security reasons, you’ll be required to re-enter your password. This step confirms that you are the account owner and prevents accidental deletions.

6. Confirm Deletion

Once all the information has been filled out and the password re-entered:

Click on ‘Delete [Your Username]’: Confirm your decision by selecting this option.

Final Reminder: Instagram will remind you that once your account is deleted, you cannot recover any content or data.

7. After Deletion: What Happens Next?

Immediate Effect: Your profile, photos, videos, and everything associated with your account will be permanently deleted.

Grace Period: Instagram typically holds your data for a brief period in case of accidental deletion, but after this, recovery is impossible.

Account Data: If you wish to save your data before deletion, use the ‘Download Your Data’ feature in Instagram settings. This will give you an archive of your photos, comments, and other data.

8. Tips to Remember

Backup Your Data: Downloading your data ensures you have copies of all your important posts and interactions.

Consider Deactivation: If you’re unsure about leaving permanently, deactivation is a safer option as it allows you to reactivate your account when ready.


Deleting your Instagram account is a straightforward process but requires careful consideration due to its permanence. If you’re certain about your decision, follow the steps outlined above, and remember to back up any important data beforehand. For those who only need a temporary break, deactivation is a viable alternative.

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